The most significant guide for the desired quality and yield from corn crops, is appropriate manufacturing technology. Here, in ZK Pelagonija is used reputable and modern technology in order to get the desired quality and quantity... More
We are growing wheat sorts that provide high quality production, thanks to the cooperation with a number of scientific institutions... More
The high yield that we accomplished is a result from the high quality sorts that we apply for planting. One part from the production is used for our own needs, and the major part is provided for sale... More
Oil seed rape
The excellent clime conditions, and the high level of technical and technological knowledge, are the reasons for the great output from this culture... More
By introducing new high quality hybrids in the production, we have achieved remarkably outputs. We even provide more than 3000 kg /ha seed material... More
Tremendous invests are made for this culture. Enlarging the arable area under soya and sowing several seed sorts, in order to make the proper seed choice, adequate for the agro - environmental conditions of this region... More
The altitude of more than 600 meters is excellent place for the development of this culture, combining the proper technology we aim for better productivity and quality... More
For the purpose of healthy and well balanced animal food, and in order to enable sustainable farming, we use alfalfa which is one of the leading cultures in our production ... More
Even though small area is occupied with this culture, we receive feed with great quality and it is useful for production of concentrates... More
After few years of stagnation, the tomatoes are again profitable crop. We have inaugurated a lot of instruments required for the preparation of this culture, from modern mechanization and technology, to contemporary techniques and highly recommended seed material... More
Grass mix
Weeds are great source for animal food. They protect the soil from erosion, and threated with relevant care, the farm will benefit a lot from this culture... More
Livestock products
On our farms, where high standards are obeyed and great attention is given to the hygiene policy, with proper and highly recommended food regime, we accomplish safe production and healthy milk. The production process is established by European standards... More
Top selection adherence with European standards for growing, protection and hygiene, are conditions for good quality and healthy breeding... More
On the slopes of the Mountain Nidze, where favorable clime exists and the location is convenient for lamb growing, we achieve significant reproduction. Highly recommended breeds are used, intended for the domestic and foreign market... More
Livestock that is grown with great care, with excellent quality of the pork meat. We have expertise who take care for every individual separately, the farming and hygiene are directed by the latest standards... More
Our reproductive center provides our two ponds with high quality types of commercial fish... More